#3 Allowing superstars to take a while to unhook the Money in the Bank briefcase

So, a WWE superstar is at the top of the ladder, ready to unhook the Money in the Bank briefcase, but they're taking a long time to even reach up to grab and unhook it.
It is a common occurrence that happens, and you just know that a superstar is about to enter the ring to either rush up the ladder or push them off. It beckons the question to the particular superstar, as to why it took them so long to retrieve the briefcase.
The winner at the end of the match will then have no problem retrieving the briefcase, making the previous superstar look a little foolish. It is a gripe that could certainly be fixed to make it seem more realistic.
#2 Allowing superstars to dawdle at the top of the ladder

Imagine just being a second away from unhooking the Money in the Bank briefcase and winning the career-changing opportunity.
Well, just ask Ali how that goes. During the Money in the Bank ladder match in 2019, Ali was a whisker away from unhooking the briefcase, until Brock Lesnar's music hit and he ran down to the ring. Now, instead of continuing to unhook the briefcase before Brock got to the ring, Ali froze and waited for Lesnar to enter the ring to push him off. Frustrating, right?
This has happened in other matches, where a superstar will obviously wait for another superstar to hit their next move, whilst they dawdle at the top of the ladder. It's incredibly frustrating to watch and you end up screaming at the TV questioning what they're playing at.
#1 Allowing superstars to go after an opponent rather than retrieve the briefcase

So, you're at the top of the ladder, you have two choices. Unhook the briefcase, or dive onto an opponent below to take them out of the match.
For some WWE superstars, well nearly all, they have decided on the latter option which becomes increasingly frustrating, especially when they seem to have the time to unhook the Money in the Bank briefcase, and the opponent is, most of the time, lifeless below.
It's something that can become a bit of an annoyance, especially when they're so close to winning the Money in the Bank briefcase. Yes, it does include more screaming at the TV.