#3. What is Riddle's direction on RAW against The Hurt Business?
While we initially thought that Riddle would be in the United States title picture on RAW, that may not necessarily be the case. It's a bit of an odd situation, especially given that Riddle has been clashing horns with Bobby Lashley
.Riddle and Jeff Hardy, now known as The Hardy Bros, teamed up in a losing effort against MVP and Bobby Lashley on RAW. Unsurprisingly, it was Bobby Lashley who picked up the victory by submitting Jeff Hardy - something he has done multiple times on RAW.
It keeps Riddle in the picture. Since the Hardy Bros are now a tag team, they could be competing for the RAW Tag Team titles. However, there's still a possibility that Riddle will be the one getting a United States title push.
Either way, Lashley vs. Riddle seems inevitable, but there seems to be no clarity about which title he will be competing for. Be that as it may, Riddle's next feud on RAW will most likely be for a title.