From the sound of things, it's a frustrating time to be a WWE superstar. The backstage morale is low and it seems like everyone from top to bottom is aware that the system they have in place is broken.
It's evident when you have names like Triple H and Sasha Banks openly liking tweets that are highly critical of WWE. It's evident when you have superstars in the company constantly posting cryptic messages with obvious meanings. It's evident when you have superstars like Jon Moxley openly ripping apart the entire system while superstars like Batista and Shawn Spears (fka Tye Dillinger) have openly criticised Vince McMahon and WWE for the way things are run.
For WWE superstars who have dreamed of working with the company from their childhood, it isn't an easy period of time. But believe it or not, it's not the lack of getting a push that turns superstars away. There are multiple other reasons and here are a few things that frustrate WWE superstars the most now.
#5. Being underutilised

As we said, it's not getting a push or winning championships that necessarily drives WWE superstars. They're adults who know that everyone in the company has a role. Whether they're midcarders, upper midcarders or people on the lower card, they all want one thing in common - to be utilised.
All they want is to be involved in good storylines where they can bring the best out of themselves and their rivals and where they can apply their craft to the best. One must not forget that they are fans too and simply want to show the world what they're capable of. They don't have to be in title storylines to prove this.
#4. The entire creative process

The creative process has been seemingly cited as the #1 reason for WWE superstars getting frustrated and wanting to leave. There are allegedly somewhere along the lines of 32-33 members of the WWE creative team and in 2019, they were all put together into one team after already having been separated into two after the brand split in 2016.
Of course, it's the classic case of "too many cooks spoil the soup" and it seems like the entire creative process is broken. For one thing, the creative writers need to be cut some slack because it's believed that 99% of their ideas are shot down by Vince McMahon (this is a figure that multiple ex-creative writers have used).
However, it's also clear that they're not exactly sure what material to work with and they don't work as closely with WWE superstars as they should, even though multiple stars have stated that they have personally gone to creative to pitch ideas for storylines and their characters.
One can only imagine why WWE superstars get frustrated.
#3. The restrictions

Jon Moxley was spot on when he said that 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin would never have been able to cut the "Austin 3:16" promo in today's environment. Today's WWE seemingly believes that restricting superstars and having them go for scripted promos are the way to go about things.
While many superstars aren't that strong on the mic, they don't seem to understand that the overly-scripted nature of promos only hampers their ability to grow. There are multiple superstars such as Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and even Jon Moxley when he was there, who could easily go leaps and bounds when they're just given a few bullet points rather than a word-for-word promo.
It's not just the scripted promos but the general restrictive nature of the environment that makes WWE superstars unhappy. From social media etiquette to public appearances, superstars have a lot of Do's and Don'ts which may seem irrational to many, including themselves.
#2. The Saudi Arabia deal

WWE higher-ups may love the Saudi Arabia deal and the revenue that it provides (and it's a lot), but the truth is that WWE superstars don't seem to be a fan of this deal at all. It's obvious when you have multiple top stars such as Daniel Bryan, John Cena and Kevin Owens refusing to come over and perform there.
This is a take from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter on the reaction to the show (H/T credits 411Mania)
Meltzer stated that WWE workers who were on hand for the event were said to have hated going and wish they didn’t have to go if they had a say, and some workers on hand were well aware of how “horrible” the booking was for most of the event. One such example was the 50-man Battle Royal, which was won by Mansoor. Talents were upset because they were apparently just brought in for a match that was just “thrown together” without any “showcase spots.”
#1. Knowing they can succeed outside but being unable to get out of their contracts

If you're a superstar like Luke Harper, one can only imagine how frustrating it feels being under a WWE contract until later in 2019. He was one of a few known examples of superstars who requested their release from WWE due to creative frustration.
However, Harper, unlike Tye Dillinger and a few others, was denied a release and his contract was extended until November because his last injury spell meant that his contract was "frozen".
Harper has been open about being frustrated creatively and knows that he can do better outside. Dustin Rhodes, after AEW's Double or Nothing stated that over 30 superstars from WWE texted him, with many considering the company to be like a jail of sorts.
And the sad news is that the rise of AEW means that WWE won't be granting any releases any time soon. The good news is that wrestlers in general now don't have to worry about employment anymore.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.