5 things you didn't know about being a WWE referee

Earl Hebner became one of the most famous WWE referees after the Montreal Screwjob.
Earl Hebner became one of the most famous WWE referees after the Montreal Screwjob.

#2 Must be medically trained

All referees must be trained in first-aid before officiating.
All referees must be trained in first-aid before officiating.

A sad fact of life as a WWE Superstar is that an injury can happen at any time, with young stars like Tyson Kidd, Paige and Jason Jordan all being forced to walk away from the ring because of them.

To keep them safe, therefore, all referees must be trained in first-aid, and ready to administer it at any point in the match.

In the event of a significant cut, referees will often don a pair of sterile gloves, which they keep on them at all times, in order to avoid any infection.

In the event of a horrific accident, the referees even have the authority to ask for the lights to be dimmed, so that those watching at home and in the arena can't see what has happened, whilst the ref aims to control the situation.

Edited by Sripad
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