#2. McMahon Is Strictly Carnivorous

Like the tyrannosaurus rex of Jurassic Park fame, Vince McMahon is said to be strictly carnivorous and his meat-based diet has worked for him thus far. Not only is he one of the world's richest and most successful businessman, but, McMahon is also in superb shape, especially for being 72 years old.
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Daniel Bryan is probably the most famous vegan in WWE history, but, early on McMahon did not approve of Bryan's plant-based dietary habits. McMahon detested Bryan's diet so much that he even informed those around him that he couldn't trust anyone who didn't eat meat. Although Bryan would go on to become one of the top babyfaces in wrestling history, McMahon saw Bryan as an untrustworthy vegetable loving, meat-hating heel. He cajoled the heel Daniel Bryan into talking frequently about his vegan lifestyle and pushed Bryan to thumb his nose at fan's who ate meat.
Former RAW assistant writer Jason Allen was a recent guest on the Wade Keller podcast. One of his responsibilities included feeding McMahon,
"We had to feed Vince like the bears."
Allen went on to say that McMahon's diet was nearly entirely meat based and included the daily consumption of 18-ounce sirloin steaks.