#4 - 33.1284° N, 107.2528° W
One other interesting bit of research that can be pursued simply by taking information presented on the Twitter account is the location.
Now, this is the obvious starting point when you've established the legitimacy of the account, at least as much as you can without WWE outright acknowledging and confirming it - which would defeat the purpose of the entire hacker storyline.
In the location section of the Twitter account, a set of coordinates are provided. Now, a quick Google search - which can be done by anyone with internet access - locates the address by using those coordinates.
Interestingly, it takes us to New Mexico, and a place - rather unusually - called Truth or Consequences.
Aside from having an interesting name, there isn't much to note about this place in particular. It's a city in the county seat of Sierra County, New Mexico - and the population in 2010 was recorded as 6,475.
However, there may be more to this location than simply researching the features of the actual city...