#1 The Firefly Fun House Match steals the show

If Randy Orton vs Edge hasn't already done it, John Cena's visit to Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House could steal the show on Night 2 of WrestleMania. In fact, it could steal the entire weekend. The Undertaker vs AJ Styles main event Boneyard match was brilliantly produced and excelled in execution.
So with Bray Wyatt's genius mind going to work on a match concept inside his kayfabe house, there could be some very, very good ideas. Also, John Cena is a featured Hollywood actor now, which would only add to the cinematic presentation that the match will likely be.
Not only the Boneyard match, but the end of this week's SmackDown has also given hope that WWE will play with magic and create a complex situation involving both, Bray Wyatt and The Fiend. That could be the thing that makes the Firefly Fun House match epic.
Also, Cena having extended interactions with the puppets from the Fun House could be golden. The amount of thought, care, and planning that may have gone into this could single-handedly make "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt the hottest star in WWE once again.
Hopefully, the Firefly Fun House match is as good as the Boneyard match, if not better. It is a real possibility that this could be a cinematic experience that is completely out of this world. But for now, we can only wait and speculate.