You may not know this (just kidding, you absolutely do) but Brock Lesnar is a scary dude. He’s big, he’s bad, and he’s the conqueror of The Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania. So really, you’d never want to mess with him and if you’re in his presence the only solution is to cheer him like a triumphant hero, right?
Well, apparently not according to this list. There have been several occasions over the course of wrestling history in which fans simply couldn’t hide their frustrations anymore, choosing to boo The Beast Incarnate out of the building. Whether or not they actually made it out of there alive is yet to be confirmed or denied, but we’re choosing to stay positive.
In all seriousness though, this is a problem that should probably be addressed – Brock Lesnar is one of the biggest heels in wrestling and yet he gets unceremoniously cheered 90% of the time. Even after he cut Randy Orton’s head open with a series of vicious elbows he barely received so much as a boo or a hiss.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
So whether you love him or hate him, let’s take a look at five times Brock Lesnar was booed massively.
#1 Raw after WM30
In April 2014, the wrestling world was stunned into complete and utter silence when Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30. It took three F5s to do it, but the Beast was able to topple the Deadman and put an end to the illustrious streak that he’d built up over so many years at the showcase of the immortals.
So naturally the next night on Raw, the New Orleans crowd pretty much booed him out of the building alongside his advocate Paul Heyman.
It’s not really all too surprising considering how popular Taker is and has been for years now, but it was still quite shocking to hear just how vocal the fans were in their disdain for Lesnar.
#2 WrestleMania 20
At WrestleMania 33 we saw Brock Lesnar and Goldberg engage in an extremely entertaining five-minute bout for the Universal Championship. Thirteen years prior, however, things weren’t so enjoyable when the two behemoths squared off one and one at Madison Square Garden with thousands of fans booing both men to death.
Why? Because everyone in that arena knew that the two were leaving the company shortly after the biggest show of the year, and neither guy seemed to care all that much about putting on an entertaining bout for the fans in attendance.
It was sloppy, it was slow, and worst of all it was a big slap in the face to all of the paying customers who wanted to see these two throw down.
#3 Brock vs. Gowen
On an episode of SmackDown well over a decade ago, the one-legged hero Zach Gowen went one-on-one with none other than Brock Lesnar. As you can imagine, things were fairly one-sided, with the former World Champion completely and utterly dismantling the plucky underdog right in front of his own family.
It was extremely uncomfortable to watch and it must’ve been even worse for the fans in attendance, as they booed Lesnar like they’ve never booed him before. WWE succeeded in their plan to get The Next Big Thing even more over as a monster heel, but the journey it took to get there certainly wasn’t an enjoyable one.
He sold his soul to the devil...
#4 The heel turn
Heel turns are always fun, especially when you don’t really see them coming. That’s why when Brock Lesnar turned on Kurt Angle and sided with Vince McMahon, members of the WWE Universe were genuinely disgusted at this betrayal.
Brock then continued to beat down on the WWE Champion following the turn.
It got a really strong reaction from the crowd as Vince smirked away, probably realising that he’d struck gold when it comes to a heel Lesnar. It was angles like this (pun not intended) that turned the blue brand into something of a force around this period, and some would argue that they’ve never reached heights like this since.
Never, ever go after the Best in the World.
#5 Brock attacks Punk
Rule number one of being a WWE wrestler: don’t attack the IWC’s favourite superstars. Rule number two: see rule one. Unfortunately, rules don’t apply to men like Brock, and he took it upon himself to ruthlessly attack CM Punk on a number of occasions to the joy of none other than Paul Heyman.
The valiant babyface Punk wouldn’t go down without a fight, and it made for a really interesting heel-face dynamic for the first time in a really long time.
The whole feud was well built, it made sense and their eventual match was the correct result as far as putting Brock over goes. Congrats to everyone involved, here.