Impact Wrestling has suffered immensely over the last few years, with a mixture of poor funding and poor management leading them to the edge of collapse. Thankfully for our industry, they seem to be slowly turning things around, with the last few months of television, showing that they do have signs of life left in them.
Of course, it’s going to take more than just a few shows here and there to convince everyone that they’re on the path to glory once more, but they’re on the right tracks and that is the most important thing. Despite this, as a company, TNA are going to need more firepower and there’s one place in particular that can help provide them with that: WWE.
Obviously, they wouldn’t be doing it intentionally, but any released stars can always seek comfort in the knowledge that TNA would probably feature them a little bit more. On the flip side, there’s a wealth of talent on Impact Wrestling that could thrive in the next few years if they take the next step up in their career by signing with Vinnie Mac
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
With all that being said, here are five TNA stars who should go to WWE followed by five WWE stars who should go to TNA.
#1 Abyss
The Monster Abyss is well past his prime on TNA, with the hardcore ‘legend’ of sorts once being groomed to come over to WWE many a moon ago for a feud with The Undertaker. That, of course, didn’t materialise and instead, we’ve had several years of him parading around with a mixed identity crisis as Joseph Park.
That’s all well and good, but given the notoriety of his character we feel as if he could do some top work over in WWE – if only for a year. You could make him Broken Matt Hardy’s buffer, have him be a singles star, or you could even have him be one of Bray Wyatt’s newest disciples over in The Wyatt Family.
The possibilities are endless.
#2 Moose
A while back there was a great deal of speculation as to whether Moose would be heading to TNA or NXT. In the end, he chose the first of the two, and since signing, he’s had a fairly impressive run in the company. He hasn’t exactly been the greatest Superstar they’ve ever seen, but he has made an impact (pun not intended).
Because of this, we’d like to see him take up a role in NXT as something of an unstoppable juggernaut. Given his age, he could have a year or two down in developmental before heading onto the main roster, with there being several fascinating match-ups for him at Full Sail. It’d be a risk, but we’re confident it’d pay off.
Trouble. Trouble. Trouble.
#3 Ethan Carter III
Ethan Carter III is one of the biggest examples of WWE mistreating a top-tier talent. After leaving the company a few years back, he transitioned over into the world of Impact Wrestling, going on a fantastic unbeaten run that culminated in Carter winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Seriously, it was impressive stuff.
Whether he’s a heel or a babyface, EC3 has the look and in-ring talent necessary to thrive wherever he goes. Sure you’d probably have to change his name again if he returned, but considering that he’s one of TNA’s biggest stars, you could even utilise him in a way that would allow WWE to bring over some of TNA’s fanbase.
What a guy.
#4 Lashley
Lashley may well be the scariest man in all of professional wrestling, with his combined runs in both TNA and Bellator leading many to believe that he’s one of the best crossover stars in all of MMA. With a potential World Title opportunity in the sport coming up over the next twelve months, though, this one may, unfortunately, seem a bit more unlikely.
Nevertheless, it’s worth a shot, especially when you consider how highly WWE thought of Lashley during his initial tenure in the company. Sure they messed up his booking with flawless ease, but they also gave him the platform that would eventually lead him towards a glorious run in TNA. A high-profile dream match with Brock Lesnar upon his return would surely take the ratings to uncharted levels! And if Lashley – who holds an impressive MMA record – manages to destroy The Beast Incarnate, we have a feud for the ages.
Magnus is here to stay.
#5 Magnus
The young and hungry Magnus has been on quite the journey through professional wrestling, initially starting off as a Gladiator on the popular UK TV show. Now, however, he’s a bonafide main eventer with years of experience under his belt. At 30 years old he’s got his whole career ahead of him, and we’re honestly really excited to see how it all pans out.
WWE is full of bigger guys nowadays, but in terms of physique, Magnus stands head and shoulders above them all. If you build him as a modern day Greek god who simply cannot be stopped, then you could have a top quality heel on your hands. Think Braun Strowman combined with a cowardly heel, and you’ve got Magnus.
He’s here to show the world.
#1 Dolph Ziggler
When Dolph Ziggler was tossing and turning over whether to re-sign with WWE a few years back, he probably should’ve taken a bit longer to think over the decision. After all, since deciding to extend his stay, the attempts to push him back into a spot of relevancy have fallen flat on their face after positive signs initially.
He needs to reinvent himself on the independent circuit, and what better place to do that than TNA?
As a former World Champion he’ll be treated like a king over there, and they could build him up to be a credible main eventer for at least twelve months. Then, when he’s ready to come back, he can put over a young and upcoming talent. Everyone wins.
AxelMania is running wild.
#2 Curtis Axel
As the son of Mr Perfect, there was always going to be a great deal of pressure on the shoulders of Curtis Axel. For the most part, he’s failed to live up to the reputation that his father initially set, but there are a few bright spots in there which, includes a semi-entertaining run as Intercontinental Champion with Paul Heyman by his side.
Axel is moving into the back end of his career now, and in order to get himself back on the map, he desperately needs a new breath of fresh air. He clearly isn’t going to find that in the WWE, where he’s so far down the pecking order that we briefly forgot he was even employed. Build him up as a midcarder in TNA, and the success will come.
Millions of dollars.
#3 Titus O’Neil
Titus O’Neil doesn’t need the money that he receives from performing in the WWE, and that much has been obvious for a long time. With that in mind, we’re quite surprised that he’s still around in the company, considering the way he’s been treated by Vince.
Unfair suspensions and poor booking are things that shouldn’t happen to a guy who dedicates himself to the business as much as O’Neil does.
Right now he’s in the middle of a Titus Brand storyline, but as we’ve seen time and time again it isn’t going to go anywhere. The only end game here would be to get Apollo Crews over, and Titus needs to be thinking higher than that at this stage in his career. In TNA, he could legitimately be a World Champion if given the right platform.
Over to the women.
#4 Summer Rae
Summer Rae has had a fairly disastrous six months, from numerous injuries to private pictures of herself being leaked in the media. It’s been a dramatic fall from grace for someone who had such potential back in the day, with Summer once being tipped to be a top star on either Monday Night Raw or SmackDown.
Given the depth on both the red and blue brands, the best move for Summer would be to scoot on over to TNA. She has the looks and marketability necessary to make some real noise over there, and people dramatically underrate her actual in ring talent. Seriously, the girl can go in the ring.
This is her house.
#5 Paige
Oh, Paige. The former Divas Champion probably wants the earth to eat her up after what she’s been through over the past few months, with the English Superstar also being targeted in the leaked photos and videos department.
Some may say that she can still bounce back from it, but those two suspensions in addition to multiple injuries probably disagree.
Plus, her boyfriend/fiancé/husband Alberto El Patron is currently plying his trade in TNA, so it makes all the sense in the world for her to go over there. At 24, she quite literally has a decade plus still left in the business if she’s smart about it, and in a few years time this whole thing with WWE may blow over.
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