#4. Drake Maverick pulls off the seemingly impossible

Last week, there was a "Mosh Pit" mixed tag team match between R-Truth & Carmella against Drake Maverick and his wife Renee Maverick. Truth and Carmella won, but Mike Kanellis pulled a quick one and pinned Truth for the gold himself.
His wife Maria Kanellis, now pregnant, told Mike to lay down for her and she pinned him for the title. With no superstar on the roster willing to cause any physical harm to a pregnant woman, Kanellis is now the only superstar who freely walks around with the title without having an army chasing her.
However, there is one man willing to do it - Drake Maverick himself.
The 24/7 championship storyline has taken many incredible twists and turns so far, but this could very well be the biggest one yet as Maverick could pin Maria to become 24/7 champion again!