1. The Alligator Deathmatch
The Deathmatch,as it is, is bad enough – with barbed wire boards, baseball bats and if you are in Japan – C4 explosives and electrified rings.
It is no surprise that the match that added another scary dimension to the normal Deathmatch occurred in the land of rising sun itself – The Alligator Deathmatch. The stipulation is simple – two guys beat the hell out of each other in a Deathmatch and the loser gets to face a real life alligator in the ring!! – Let me emphasise it – an ALLIGATOR!!!
Mitsuhiro Matsunaga lost his Death Match to Shadow W X in Japanese promotion BJW and proceeded to fight against the real life alligator that was brought into the ring. The alligator seemed to be in a good mood and despite Matsunaga lifting its tail and throwing it in a coffin placed in the ring, the reptile refused to fight back, rendering Matsunaga the supposed winner of the Alligator Death Match.
But I guess the viewers were the real losers there!!