5 Unique stipulations for Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley III

Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley could have a third major match in WWE
Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley could have a third major match in WWE

Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley are two of the most imposing superstars to ever step foot in a wrestling ring. They've shockingly only had two singles encounters throughout their careers, with both stars having one win apiece.

The 45-year-old Brock Lesnar is billed at 6'3" and weighs 286 pounds. The former UFC Champion has also collected 10 world championships during his time with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Bobby Lashley is 46 years old. He's also billed at 6'3" with a billed weight of 273 pounds. The former TNA Heavyweight Champion has collected nine titles while in WWE, including two world championships.

On top of the size and credentials both men possess, they are two of the top stars in the industry. Given their alpha-male attitudes, a third match to determine who is better will inevitably come. When it does, they're unlikely to have a standard singles bout. What kind of stipulation could be added to the rubber match?

Below are five unique stipulations for Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley III.

#5. The Fight Pit was recently brought to the main roster

The Fight Pit could feature Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley
The Fight Pit could feature Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley

The Fight Pit is a match concept that was first introduced on WWE NXT in 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown. The first-ever bout featured Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher clashing. The second time the match-type was used was in 2021 when Timothy Thatcher battled Tommaso Ciampa.

While the stipulation was first introduced for NXT, it was recently brought to WWE's main roster. The third-ever Fight Pit Match took place at Extreme Rules 2022 where Matt Riddle and Seth Rollins clashed.

Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley are both experienced in cage fighting. A stipulaton where two fighters are in a cage and can only win by knockout or submission isn't foreign to either star. The Fight Pit may be the perfect gimmick match for the two to have.

#4. The two former mixed martial artists could have a Submission Match

Bobby Lashley applying The Hurt Lock on Cedric Alexander
Bobby Lashley applying The Hurt Lock on Cedric Alexander

The Submission Match is simple in concept. While you can win by pinfall in a standard singles bout, the Submission Match means you must win by submission in order to leave with the winner's purse. Verbally quitting, tapping out, or passing out from a hold are all accepted forms of losing.

According to cagematch.net, there have been 10 traditional Submission Matches in WWE history. The likes of Chris Jericho, Bob Backlund, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Becky Lynch, and Natalya have all been in matches utilizing this stipulation. Neither Brock Lesnar nor Bobby Lashley have yet to compete in one.

Both The All Mighty and The Beast utilize submission finishers. Bobby has mastered The Hurt Lock, even brutalizing Brock with it at Crown Jewel 2022. Meanwhile, Lesnar has used both the Kimura Lock and The Brock Lock in his career.

Which star is better at grappling and submissions? Fans could find out if this stipulation is added to their inevitable third encounter.

#3. Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley could have an Arm Wrestling Match

One of the most popular genres of WWE programming on YouTube is arm-wrestling. If there's a segment featuring powerful superstars arm-wrestling in the middle of the ring, chances are it has a ton of video views. Fans love to see it, but they're only sparingly done. The next time WWE uses the concept, it may be for the Lesnar-Lashley rivalry.

An Arm-Wrestling Match is a bit unusual for such a heated rivalry, especially after two previous encounters have already taken place. Still, both Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley are alpha males. Yes, they want to prove that they're better wrestlers, but they also intend to prove that they're better athletes and stronger men.

Arm-Wrestling Matches have long been a way to showcase strength and express superiority. Which of the two stars has more grip strength? Which bulging bicep could defeat the other? The two competing in this fashion could be intriguing.

#2. The two tough bruisers could clash in an Iron Man Match

Wreckage following Bobby Lashley's attack
Wreckage following Bobby Lashley's attack

The Iron Man Match is a test of will and endurance. Two superstars compete for a pre-determined amount of time, typically 30-60 minutes, and whoever has the most falls in the allotted time leaves the match as the victor.

There have been 10 Iron Man Matches in WWE history, spanning the main roster, NXT, and even NXT UK. Of the 10 times the stipulation match occurred, Brock Lesnar was featured in one of the bouts. The Beast took on Kurt Angle in a 60-minute Iron Man Match in 2003 on WWE SmackDown and even managed to defeat the Olympic Gold Medalist.

While the experience edge would work in Brock's favor, the bout was nearly 20 years ago. An argument could be made about how often Lashley competes and that he'd have the advantage if the two men met in an Iron Man Match. Regardless, a bout where they can win numerous falls could prove best to determine who the better man is.

#1. Bobby Lashley discussed the two going at it in a Street Fight

After both stars earned one victory apiece against the other, a more heated final match may be in the cards. This is especially true after Lashley attacked Brock Lesnar following their match at Crown Jewel. A somewhat more intense fight may be warranted.

Bobby Lashley recently proposed that the two tough superstars battle in a Street Fight Match. He then took it a step further by indicating they should actually fight in the street. You can read about the challenge that he made on WWE's The Bump down below.

“He’s making it personal, and if it he makes it personal, okay, we fight at a different level. (...) If you make it personal, it’s a street fight. So the next time we fight, I don’t even think it should be in a ring. I think we should go fight outside. I think we should grab, YouTube, let somebody grab a camera, meet us out in the street, and let’s beat each other down and see who doesn’t get up afterwards. I mean, I don’t know. It has to be something else because if he wants to make it that way, then we gotta go and fight that way, and I’m okay with it."

Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley locking up in a bout with no rules could be true chaos and a danger to everybody in and outside of the arena. Still, seeing two bruisers clash in a Street Fight Match could be extremely memorable.

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