#4 Allowing Flexibility To Work Other Promotions

One thing that has been discussed heavily on social media by fans and wrestlers alike is the lack of flexibility when working for major promotions. Sure, you have been able to work for ROH and NJPW at the same time. However, both are not on a major cable network and have never been seen as a major United States promotion.
AEW flipped that upside down by not only allowing some stars to work in NJPW as we've seen with Jericho and Moxley, but also working with MLW with a star like MJF. They are not only allowing flexibility but also letting these wrestlers to have prominent roles elsewhere and vice-versa.
This is currently working for AEW and should continue as the performers like the option as well as the fans being able to see cross-promotional dream matches, such as Tanahashi and Chris Jericho.