On the go-home Raw before Summer Slam, Seth Rollins had an announcement that would change the landscape of Monday Night Raw.
Rollins proclaimed that if Dolph Ziggler was going to have the "Scottish Psychopath" Drew McIntyre in his corner for their upcoming Intercontinental Championship match, then he would have a lunatic in his.
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The Lunatic Fringe himself, Dean Ambrose is back and is sporting an intimidating new look. Ambrose returned having bulked up, cut his hair, and wearing grey pants rather than his signature blue jeans.
His in-ring style has changed as he has seemingly toned down his usual frenetic brawling style and has started incorporating scoop slams and other power moves into his arsenal.
Ambrose is looking devilishly Heel-ish but has returned as a Face. It makes since for Ambrose to be a Face for the time being as he is in the Shield, but a heel turn has to be on the horizon for the new look lunatic.
Here are a few ways said heel turn could come about.
#5 Blame Rollins for getting injured

Prior to getting injured, Ambrose wasn't just unstable, he was unstoppable. The Iron Man of the WWE, Ambrose was a wrestling machine.
Between March 3, 2012 and the time of his injury December 18, 2017, Ambrose had wrestled 1,054 matches. Prior to the news that Ambrose would be missing nine months due to his torn triceps tendon, Ambrose's longest break was 35 days.
Ambrose can easily blame Seth Rollins for all of this. While Samoa Joe is credited for injuring Ambrose when he slammed a crate door shut on his arm, it was really getting caught in the crossfire of a Rollins suicide dive that did it. It is easy to see Ambrose snapping and turning on Rollins.
Ambrose lost eight months of his career because of Rollins' reckless offense. Rollins has ended Sting's career, he has put Finn Balor on the shelf forcing the inaugural Universal Champion to vacate his title as soon as he won it, and now he has infected his own brother in arms with the injury bug.
#4 The Lunatic becomes completely unhinged

Dean Ambrose is the Lunatic Fringe, he is unstable, he doesn't think he just does stuff, we've heard all of this before. Is any of that true though? Ambrose is borderline wacky but has never lived up to his moniker of "lunatic".
Perhaps if Ambrose is to turn Heel, he ditches the watered down lunatic gimmick and introduces the WWE Universe to the vicious, calculated chaos of Jon Moxley. For those unfamiliar with Ambrose's Indie identity, Moxley is the Cactus Jack to Ambrose's Mick Foley.
I'm not saying Ambrose change his name back, but he can start acting like he used to. In FCW while Ambrose was transitioning from Moxley to Ambrose, he wrestled under the name of Dean Ambrose but wrestled like Jon Moxley.
Additionally, if Ambrose is as unstable as WWE has always claimed, then isn't he due to finally snap and go on a rampage like Braun Strowman did when he was demanding more competition. Have Ambrose completely go crazy.
#3 Form his own Shield

The Shield stood for Justice when they debuted, but these days it seems to stand for "Justice for Roman". Reigns has been McMahon's chosen one from the get-go, but that doesn't mean that the superior talents of Ambrose and Rollins have to constantly be pushed aside. Ambrose isn't only pushed aside, but he is often forgotten, known by some as merely the third man.
The Shield are together right now, which makes sense considering they didn't break-up, Ambrose merely got hurt and Reigns and Rollins took a break from each other. Ambrose can finally say "Enough!" Ambrose has always been loyal to his brothers, but they seem far less loyal to him. Time and time again Ambrose has rushed to Reigns side when the odds were against him, against the authority, against the Wyatt's, and even the Miztourage. Likewise, Ambrose has been there for Rollins against The Bar and the team of Ziggler and McIntyre, but where are they when he needs them.
Ambrose could claim to be fed up with the other Hounds of Justice not holding up their end of the deal. Ambrose can cut a promo about getting hurt while fighting alongside his brother, then for eight months of radio silence, he gets no texts or calls from his so-called brothers. Nope, he only hears from them when Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre become too much for Rollins to handle. Where is Ambrose's justice? Ambrose could form his own Shield, possibly with NXT call-ups, a rag-tag group of renegades that will go to war with the Lunatic Fringe.
#2 Go after the Intercontinental Championship

We should not lose sight of what brought Ambrose back, Rollins' quest to reclaim the Intercontinental Championship. If Rollins wasn't fighting for a title, he likely wouldn't have felt the need to bring back his brother in arms. Ambrose has a history with the Intercontinental Championship himself, as he was the first Shield member to win the title.
Yes Ambrose came back as a Face, and yes he helped Rollins win the title back from Dolph Ziggler, and yes feud over the Intercontinental championship is currently on hold. Ambrose will continue to help Rollins fend off Ziggler and McIntyre, but once that is done, this Face façade can melt away and the Heel within the lunatic can come out.
Look at the Intercontinental Championship match between Rollins and Ziggler at Summer Slam, after Rollins wins and celebrates in the ring with Ambrose. Ambrose has a look on his face that is hard to describe, something about his demeanor is foreboding. As the camera focuses on Rollins we can see Ambrose pacing in the background, and every time he steps out of the camera's view you felt that he was about to lash out at Rollins right then and there. Ambrose could have helped Rollins win the title, just to take it away himself, just as he did when he cashed in his money in the bank briefcase on Rollins in 2016.
#1 Go after the Universal Championship

Roman Reigns has finally done it. He has defeated the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar, and won the coveted Universal Championship. Reigns is the first Shield member to when the title, but Ambrose could be the second. Though unlikely, Ambrose and Reigns finally getting a proper feud would be something new considering both men have already feuded with the majority of Heels on Raw.
Ambrose has feuded with Rollins and Reigns has feuded with Rollins, and all three of them feuded with each other going into Battle Ground 2016. While tension between the two Shield brothers was teased, the two never had a proper rivalry. Reigns and Ambrose met in the finals of the WWE Championship tournament at Survivor Series 2015, where Reigns was victorious, then there was the aforementioned Shield triple threat at Battle Ground a year later where Ambrose pinned Reigns to retain his WWE Championship.
With both men having pinned each other in championship matches and having only a single one-on-one match between them, Ambrose and Reigns are overdue for an implosion in their friendship. With Ambrose looking more menacing than ever, he and Reigns could tear the house down.