#4 The 'Reign of Terror' kicked off

When Seth Rollins challenged Brock Lesnar for his Universal title at WrestleMania 35, fans were clamoring for The Beastslayer to dethrone Lesnar and win the title in the process.
The reason? Lesnar's reign was marred with him being absent from TV, sometimes for weeks on end. This resulted in the Universal title becoming an afterthought and it gave WWE an opportunity to elevate the Intercontinental title to new heights, essentially turning it into the top title on Raw.
By the time WrestleMania 35 rolled around, fans had gotten tired of Lesnar's antics, and this was one of the major reasons why Rollins defeating Lesnar with the help of a low blow got a loud (and positive) reaction from the crowd. The "Reign of Terror" had become unbearable and the WWE Universe wanted someone to rid them of Lesnar as Champion.
Additionally, there were many fans who hadn't forgotten the destruction of Cena at the hands of Lesnar five years ago. Rollins beating Lesnar not only ended the "Reign of Terror", but gave those fans a much needed closure, years after their hero was put down mercilessly by Lesnar.
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#3 WWE got an opportunity to make a couple of future stars

One of the biggest reasons why Lesnar squashed Cena was to move ahead with the momentum from his history-making WrestleMania 30 win over The Undertaker and turn him into a monster, so that it would be a big deal when a rising star defeated him somewhere down the line.
Putting down Lesnar became one of the toughest feats in WWE. When Roman Reigns defeated Lesnar at SummerSlam 2018, it marked the culmination of his three-year journey towards defeating Brock Lesnar. Rollins turned into a huge star overnight when he defeated Lesnar at WrestleMania 35.