WWE is going to one of its roughest patches with all the firings and financial troubles. The creative direction have also being disappointing to an extent as the fans have been more than vocal about the product that the writers is presenting to them.One of the most notable criticisms that the company have been receiving for a long time is about how they book their female wrestlers. Though it is a male dominated business, the divas are an integral part of the overall product that needs to be booked credibly.The company has started showing efforts to improve their divas division recently but they are still not kicking the throttle completely. So here is a look at some of the ways in which the creative team could make their divas division more interesting.
#5 Bring back the Gimmick matches
Gimmick matches might not be PG to be precise, but would keep the fans rooted to their seats. Back in the Attitude Era, WWE used to have them every now and then while they are completely forgotten these days.
Even if the company can’t have it every week, a stripping match every once in a while wouldn’t hurt anyone. Considering how the divas division has more models than wrestlers, it would also be used to keep them protected.
There is not much technical ability needed to excel in these matches as they are built up solely on the glamour quotient.
It’s simply one of the most effective ways that the company can utilize their less developed wrestlers rather than letting them hear all the jeers from the crowd for botching every now and then.
#4 Give them more time to wrestle
When most of the jobbers in the company get 5-8 minutes to look graceful in the loss, the divas are often confined to bouts which are comparatively shorter.
There are divas in the roster that is capable of delivering long matches. Paige has been wrestling for almost a decade now while Natalya gave a match of the year contender performance against Charlotte at NXT.
AJ Lee could also work longer matches if she is given the opportunity and there are names like Tamina, Naomi and Summer Rae who is budding out to be in ring performers.
WWE’s unwillingness to push these stars and give them enough time to wrestle is one of the things that need to be rectified as soon as possible.
#3 Attitude Era divas to manage or wrestle part-time
No matter how many new divas come into the company, the fans will always have a special place in their hearts for names like Trish Stratus and Lita.
These two along with a handful of performers revolutionalised the female wrestling in the company before it got knocked out at some point down the road.
The lack of fan reaction has been one of the biggest drawbacks of the division. Every time these divas come down the line, they are treated with warm hands by the crowd and this happening week in and week out could patch up the division.
Even if these divas are not available regularly, an appearance once in a week would do the purpose as the fans would die to see dream matches like AJ Lee vs. Lita.
#2 A Paul Heyman girl
The history of professional wrestling wouldn’t be complete without the Paul Heyman guys. Over the years names like Brock Lesnar, Stone Cold and many others have flourished under the management of Heyman.
WWE could add a refreshing change to the whole “Paul Heyman Guy” criteria by letting Heyman manage a top diva in the division.
Heyman’s presence in any form would be a big draw for the girls and for the particular girl that will be under his management, things will change upside down.
Storyline aspects can also be filled in well by the one behind the one who broke the Streak and it would also help Heyman to have a new milestone to his resume.
#1 Female stable
Now just to make sure that a wrong idea is not given here, Total Divas isn’t the kind of stable that we are looking for. Stables if pulled off correctly are angles that could do wonders for the division and everyone that is involved.
Take Shield for example. They came out of nowhere and ended up being main event talent within a year while making it must see television for the fans. The same applies for Wyatt Family.
If WWE could make it work with the male superstars, they could do it with the divas as well. An interesting heel stable would be something that the fans would love to see in the division.
It could even be a female version of the Shield with a lot of potential names that can fill in the voids well.