#3 Get Natalya to talk about her career
If the creative team is having a hard time coming up with insults for Natalya to throw at Nikki Bella that go beyond John Cena or Nikki’s looks, perhaps they could focus more of Natalya’s promos on her career arch.
More specifically, they could address her decision to attack Nikki Bella in a more coherent manner. The “I have always despised you” line when Natalya first admitted that she attacked Nikki Bella at Survivor Series doesn’t shed enough light on Natalya’s character or the mentality behind the heel turn.
Natalya has been successful in the WWE, but you could argue that she hasn’t been given enough opportunities to shine by the company, especially when you consider just how talented she is in the ring.
She has one of the best move-sets of any female superstar in the history of the company, and, no, it’s not just because she uses the sharpshooter.
I would like to see Natalya air out some of her frustrations, including those that aren’t specific to Nikki but are rather about her own career path and future goals in the women’s division.
We could see some passion from Natalya, and this could be beneficial after Natalya has secured sufficient heat from the fans.