#4 Zayn plays cheerleader

Sami Zayn likes to support his friends. He supports other causes as evidence with his "Sami For Syria" charitable work. Therefore he knows how to support endeavours and his coworkers and usually pulls it off with gusto.
If Sami Zayn doesn't participate in the match but simply assists from the outside it might be entertaining enough. It would be great to see Zayn wrestle at the show, but at least this would get him on screen.
After all, all roads lead to WrestleMania and Zayn's current push is so captivating that it needs to see some kind of appearance at the Show Of Shows in New Orleans.
Sami Zayn could stand at ringside and cheer his team along. He could take it over the line and get straight-up obnoxious about it which would not only be highly entertaining but super fun for Zayn to pull off. He's really owning his new heel persona so this booking decision might present the opportunity for him to just go ham for the duration of the match.