#2 Change of gimmick
This one is a tad wholesale perhaps, but Reigns has been stigmatized to an extent by the fact that he’s the only one who hasn’t completely shed the Shield gimmick yet. From the entrance music to the protective vest that he still dons, it seems like the WWE wants to continue marketing him as the ‘Big dog’ character that he played when he was part of the faction.
The only problem with that is that the Shield was a three man team, of which the ‘enforcer’ that Reigns played was, but a part.
Without Ambrose and Rollins by his side – who have both changed up their gimmicks completely – Reigns’ packaging that still bears resemblance to his Shield days and yet, attempts to create a niche for itself as the next top babyface in the company, doesn’t do quite enough to convince.
And convincing the audience to connect with and believe in a character, is of foremost importance for a WWE Superstar in getting over.