#2 John Cena wins career-threatening matches to become WWE Champion

If John Cena commits to a few months of regular WWE appearances, the company could create a grand storyline based on his quest to become a 17-time world champion. He could initially be denied a title match, only to get it if he can keep winning.
The storyline could be that Cena puts his career on the line for every match. He could face a few prominent WWE Superstars on RAW or SmackDown, with each match potentially being his last. But the Hollywood star keeps winning until he finally gets a WWE Championship match.
This is a retread of the Ric Flair route in 2008, as his career was on the line in every match leading up to his WrestleMania 24 classic against Shawn Michaels. But in this case, John Cena succeeds and wins the WWE Championship.
If done well, this storyline could be one of the most compelling in WWE history. Cena would deliver on promos every single time, selling the gravitas of this ruling to perfection. After overcoming a series of Career Threatening Matches, he becomes a 17-time world champion.