#3 Battle of the vignettes

Breezango's 'Fashion Files' series seems like the closest WWE equivalent to the segments that characterised the 'Broken Universe'. We understand that the two teams are on different brands right now, but in due course of time, we can totally imagine these two units in a memorable feud.
That could be the impetus for the 'breaking', considering that it is highly unlikely that a match between these two teams would actually take place inside the ring, at least in its entirety.
'The Great War' was characterised by The Hardyz and their arch rivals, Decay, starting out in the ring, but having their fight escalate and move backstage, where it just cut into a very unique kind of presentation.
We can totally imagine a match between the two teams being very similar indeed. This would be the perfect excuse for the Hardyz to 'break' and take on Breezango in their own domain, head on.
With rumours of yet another Superstar Shake-Up doing the rounds, we wonder if this will happen sooner rather than later, and can only chuckle at the thought of just how ridiculous their entire feud will possibly be.