This week on Raw, WWE pulled the wool over every wrestling fans eyes when they sent out a reunited Shield to assist Roman Reigns in escaping Money in the Bank cash-in attempt from Braun Strowman.
The fact that WWE sent out Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins to stop the extremely popular Braun Strowman from cashing in his Money in the Bank contract should be considered a heel turn by any standards, but when it comes down to it, this is just WWE's way of reigniting The Shield's seconds run.
Last year, Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns' reunion was plagued with injuries that ultimately forced the group onto the sidelines, and now that WWE has put these three men back together on Raw at such an unexpected time, it could just be the best thing that happened to Raw in a long time.
The Shield's marketing power and popularity are undeniable, and WWE should use this rejuvenate the Raw brand, and everyone knows the red brand could use with a boost to get it back to its flagship show status. Moreover, throw in the rumour that The Sheild's reunion is going to a long-term decision by WWE, this could be the best time for WWE to use these men properly.
#1 Heat up the tag team division

There is no sugar coating it; the Raw tag team division is probably the worst thing going on Monday Night Raw these days, as WWE's creative team has completely destroyed the credibility of all the teams that exist in the division.
Therefore, inserting a fresh team of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins could just be the solution to getting the division out of the slump it is in right now.
From battles with The Authors of Pian to match of year candidate wars with The Revival, Ambrose and Rollins star power can give the Raw Tag Team Titles some prestige once again.
#2 Open challenge mid card

The fact that WWE has put the IC Title back on Seth Rollins and reunited The Shield means that they have big plans for the title and the man that holds it, and there is no better way to do that than have Rollins reignite his old IC Title open challenge in the coming weeks. While many might question the revival of the open challenge is lame, as it doesn't allow for a concrete feud for the IC Title. But what it does allow is the entire stagnant mid-card of Raw to circulate properly.
The both Shield's members hold both of the top men's titles on Raw it would be difficult for WWE to put them in individual rivalries but rather put them in flowing narratives that can use their star power. Rollins going up against the best and worst Raw has to offer could build up Raw's mid-card, and that is exactly what WWE needs right now.
#3 Keep feud with Strowman going strong

Braun Strowman vs The Shield is a feud that many would not have thought would happen, but here we are, as WWE has made the odd choice of pitting a babyface against babyfaces, and to be honest, they should keep this feud going. Strowman is a monster, but over the last few months, WWE's booking has made him feel less of the monster that he was since his singles run took off.
Therefore, The Sheild assault of Strowman could be a career-rejuvenating ack for the man. An angry Strowman hunting three members of The Shield is an angle that WWE should explore to the fullest, as it keeps all three men relevant and it keeps the Money in the Bank holder white hot.
#4 Ambrose wants to run the show

Dean Ambrose's return to Raw was a shocking sight, as the majority of fans knew as Ambrose as goofball that never took anything seriously in the last few years, and now the man returned as a ripped badass ready to break anyone in his way.
And for the last few weeks, since Ambrose returned he has been just that, from wanting to destroy anyone and anything to taking out a four hundred pound beast in Braun Strowman, Ambrose's persona has shifted from a lunatic to a man-hungry for a fight. And WWE should use this to build up his heel turn slowly.
Ambrose's heel turn is a hotly debated among the WWE Universe and by WWE planting the seeds every week showing Ambrose's frustration, his eagerness to gain control and his ultimate anger he kept bottle inside for the time he had to sit at home would the perfect way for him to go rogue.
#5 Main event scene is their yard

Roman Reigns is the top guy on Raw and whether you want to hear it or not, he is the top guy in the WWE, and when The Shield was booked to bail him out of losing his Universal Title it is clear that he will be the Champion for a long time. And WWE should highlight this fact, no more should the company shy away from the fact that Reigns is a top guy, as that is where the true potential of character can be unlocked.
Moreover, with Ambrose and Rollins by his side, the main event scene on Raw should be their playground, as this would allow different challengers to step up to the faction and all fall by their hands.
Just like Daniel Bryan back in 2013 going trying to prove himself against The Shield, it would allow superstars who never got a chance before to stand in the main event scene to have a chance at the big time trying to out The Shield out of command.