3: Bastion Booger

When Mike Shaw was given the gimmick of Friar Ferguson, a religious man who also enjoyed fighting, the character quickly drew the ire of the Catholic Church.
Quickly backing down, the WWF refused to give up on Shaw, though weren't above criticizing the Michigan native for his weight, giving him the gimmick of Bastion Booger.
An overweight joke, who was ridiculed for his weight each week, Booger's time was made even worse with his hideous attire, of an ill-fitting grey singlet that resembled duct-tape.
Never one to ease up, the company never gave Booger a push, only having him win one accolade in the WWE, a Slammy award for "Most Likely To See Jenny Craig", a well-known weight loss expert, and even claimed he missed the 1994 Royal Rumble, because he over-ate.