By no means would it be an overstatement to say that Kaitlyn is one of the most beloved female WWE Superstars of the PG era. The woman known as Celeste Bonin endeared herself to the fans during an era which seldom saw top talents shine through in women's wrestling.
Kaitlyn alongside former WWE Superstar AJ Lee carried the torch for the women's division in the WWE--with the former starting off in the company's developmental territories in 2010, and quickly ascending to the main roster where she performed until she parted ways with WWE in 2014. While Kaitlyn retired from the sport in 2014, she eventually revealed her intentions of returning to pro-wrestling in late-2017, and did make her in-ring comeback in the indies earlier this year.
Kaitlyn also recently competed in the WWE Mae Young Classic (MYC) tournament. Today, we are going to be looking at the past 4 odd years and how the landscape of the WWE may have been if Kaitlyn never left the WWE...
#5 Kaitlyn vs. Stephanie McMahon

While most fans may not be able to recollect how valuable an asset Kaitlyn was during her run from 2010 to 2014, the fact remains that during her time as Divas Champion, this incredibly talented young woman was being touted by many as the next Trish Stratus of the WWE. While Kaitlyn did have her fair share of run-ins with authority figures in the WWE, the much-talked about feud between her and Stephanie McMahon never quite took off.
Apparently, the real-life heat between Kaitlyn and McMahon is said to have stemmed from a backstage incident back in 2013 in which the former interrupted McMahon while "Steph" was engaged in a conversation with another individual. Apparently, the incident eventually served as inspiration for a television segment on RAW where McMahon warned Kaitlyn to never interrupt her again.
Back in 2013, the pro-wrestling world was rife with talk of the real-life heat between Kaitlyn and Stephanie possibly being used in a future storyline, however the angle never really came to fruition. A feud with one of the biggest on-screen heel figures in sports-entertainment could've very well elevated Kaitlyn's career, but unfortunately, the latter quit the WWE the following year in 2014...
#4 Kaitlyn as a powerhouse heel

Let's face it, the large majority of fans absolutely loved Kaitlyn's work as a babyface. After all, she had the look as well as the expressions of a strong yet innocent woman.
The former WWE Divas Champion's reign at the top of the woman's division was mainly marked by her work as a babyface, however a full-fledged lengthy run as a heel would have beyond the shadow of a doubt helped Kaitlyn's character become multi-dimensional. Add to that the fact that she entered the WWE as a legitimate bodybuilder with an excellent resume, and you have a powerful heel at hand!
While the WWE has had no shortage of powerhouse male heels on its roster, most of the women's division's monster heels have been less than capable of truly executing maneuvers in the ring--largely owing to the fact that they're simply big, but not athletic. Kaitlyn possesses both the size and athleticism to go in the ring...
#3 Kaitlyn would've ruled the women's division instead of The Bella Twins

Irrespective of whether you happen to love or hate them, The Bella Twins have ruled the WWE women's division over the past several years. Now, both Nikki and Brie Bella have had more than a few real-life feuds with their contemporaries such as Maryse and Maria Kanellis.
However, despite garnering a ton of heat from fellow female WWE Superstars of their era, Nikki and Brie broke through as mainstream stars courtesy the rise in their popularity with shows such as Total Divas and Total Bellas. Well, had Kaitlyn not left the WWE in 2014, it wouldn't he hyperbole to say that she very well may have overtaken the Bellas on the mainstream popularity front.
During her time in the WWE, Kaitlyn was arguably much more popular than both Nikki and Brie, and thus would've truly benefited with the plethora of mainstream appearances that the WWE has its top male and female talent make at award shows as well as social causes--something which has risen significantly in recent years.
Perhaps the WWE Universe would've got to witness a reality show starring Kaitlyn, instead of Total Bellas...
#2 Inaugural WWE RAW Women's Champion

Well, the RAW Women's Championship which was introduced in April of 2016 witnessed Charlotte Flair capture the title and become the inaugural RAW Women's Champion. Several other amazing talents such as Sasha Banks, Bayley and Alexa Bliss would eventually go on to win the title.
Well, had Kaitlyn not left the WWE back in 2014, she definitely would've been the favorite to become the first woman to hold the aforesaid title! Kaitlyn is an extremely underappreciated performer who never quite got the credit she deserved, and becoming the inaugural RAW Women's Champion would have surely helped shine a light on her amazing yet underrated wrestling skills.
In addition to that, feuds with women such as Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair would've been box office hits, as Kaitlyn always brings it in the ring...
#1 Hall of Fame career

This writer would like to put forth a disclaimer here, as the following point may strike a nerve with certain pro-wrestling purists. Regardless, here goes.
Kaitlyn had all the makings of a WWE performer who's destined to go into the company's Hall of Fame. She alongside AJ Lee arguably carried the entire WWE women's division on her back from 2010 to 2014, when the entire world seemed to be paying little-to-no attention to the talented women in pro-wrestling.
Should Kaitlyn have decided to stay with the WWE instead of leaving in 2014, she'd have notched up an incredibly strong ring-resume by now! The genetically-gifted bodybuilder may have won both the RAW and SmackDown Women's titles several times by now, and would be a surefire pick for the Hall of Fame in the future.
Well, all you Kaitlyn fans out there needn't fret though, as she's still only 31 years of age, and seems to have regained her passion for pro-wrestling. Don't be surprised if you find Kaitlyn carving out a Hall-of-Fame-worthy career in the years to come in the WWE!
Which brand would you like to see Kaitlyn perform on--RAW or SmackDown? Do provide us your feedback in the comments below.