#4 Eva Marie

Eva joined the cast of Total Divas before making an in-ring appearance and her debut on the main roster was a in a random backstage segment with the rest of the cast.
Her first promo happened on Miz TV - again as part of the group - where she slapped Jerry Lawler and delivered a cringe-worthy promo about making ' a name for herself'. Also, Lawler referred to her as 'Eva Maria' in the segment.
Her first singles match saw her defeat Alicia Fox on SmackDown - but the match was cut from the broadcast. She was soon relegated to NXT to get adequate training and made her return to Smackdown as part of the 2016 WWE draft. She started a gimmick where she continuously faked injuries/accidents to avoid wrestling.
However, this went nowhere as she was suspended for violating the company's wellness policy and soon left the company.