#4 Samoan Spike - Umaga

Umaga was a wild destructive force who would easily destroy his opponents. His finisher was the "Samoan Spike". He would hold the other guy by his neck and then drive a taped-up thumb into his throat. The move looks kind of gruesome but really makes no sense at all. A wrestler can be punched and kicked repeatedly during a match and shake it off but we are expected to believe that a taped-up thumb to the neck would knock someone out.
It's a shame that Umaga wasn't given a better finisher. A Samoan drop or a splash from the top rope would have been better. He was a powerhouse and his finisher did not match his character at all. Maybe this is why he was never able to break out from the main card. He did main event Royal Rumble 2007 in a fantastic last man standing match against John Cena.