#1 Rick Rude vs. Masahiro Chono– Halloween Havoc 199
This is one of those matches that looked good on paper but ended up awful in practice. This is because for twenty minutes, virtually nothing happened. And when anything did happen, it was so slow you’d think that Rude and Chono were wrestling underwater. Maybe it was due to a language barrier, but the majority of the match was composed of rest-holds, unexciting submissions, and most headlocks than all the Randy Orton matches.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, the match ended in a dusty finish thanks to the added stipulation of two special guest referees in Harley Race and Kensuke Sasaki. Shenanigans occurred, a ref got bumped, and the match was inconclusive as the referees argue over which wrestler won the match.
These sorts of finishes are the kinds that help the wrestlers little and irritate viewers a lot. Having matches end due to referee disagreement only works on rare occasions, and help if the actual wrestling was good. In this case, it wasn’t, and left more fans groaning in disappointment than cheering in approval.