#4 Triple H vs. Kevin Nash - Judgment Day 2003
Triple H vs. Kevin Nash sounded like a good idea on paper, but like many ideas like that, it was terrible in execution. Triple H in 2003 was so big he looked like he was going to explode out of his own skin, while Nash was already suffering from back and quad problems.
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Perhaps both of them understood each other’s limitations, which is why they put together this basic and underwhelming performance. The entire in-ring contest lasted just under eight minutes long, and featured a lot of messing with the referee (Earl Hebner) and illegal manoeuvres.
The glacial action came to an end when Triple H attacked the referee, causing both a disqualification and a rematch down the road. Neither of those two things sounded that good when they were announced, but the rematch was worse because it meant more of what had been seen in this match here.