#2 Triple H vs. Scott Steiner – No Way Out 2003
If there was one word that could be used to describe most of Triple H’s main-event matches during the early 2000s, it would be ‘over-booked’. You see, 2003 is widely regarded as a dark period in RAW history due to it falling under Triple H’s ‘reign of terror’. He was constantly in the main-event/world title picture, and didn’t always wrestle to such a standard.
This was one such an example, as Triple H wrestled a shenanigans-filled match complete with outside interference, referee shoves, and an opponent that was booked to look like a moron against him. However, another problem with this match was that Scott Steiner wasn’t the ideal opponent for HHH inside the ring. Steiner might’ve looked terrifying, but his conditioning was off and some of his work was sloppy.
Those elements came together in a maelstrom of subpar wrestling that elicited groans and boos from the audience for both wrestlers. Whoever booked this match clearly had no idea what people wanted to see. This match suffered from too many unnecessary participants and terrible in-ring action. You’d think this was something that was transported straight out of the Attitude Era, or something.