#3 Undertaker vs. Big Show – Punjabi Prison Match – The Great American Bash 2006

The Great American Bash 2006 is infamous for two reasons. The first is that three wrestlers on the card were taken off, all due the same ailment: elevated liver enzymes. Second, it’s remembered for the first Punjabi Prison Match, which was one of the worst concepts in WWE history.
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It was hard to take this match seriously, despite the commentators trying to sell it as a true nightmare. Show throwing Undertaker into the bamboo looked more comedic than it did serious. The big moves looked sloppy at times, though one could be forgiven for not seeing them because the bamboo poles made it hard to see much of anything. The rules were also convoluted, which also led to what appeared to be a botched finish.
Khali and Daivari came out afterwards, but they added nothing to this match or the post-match segment. All in all, this match went way too long and reeked of cartoonish nonsense. Few people, if anyone, actually liked this stipulation, which is why there have been so few in WWE history.