3. Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes - Extreme Rules 2012
For years, WWE have given the Big Show schizophrenic booking. One minute, he’s a destructive, unstoppable force that cannot be beaten by any normal man; the next he’s the token ‘bumbling idiot’ or gentle giant. This match was an example of the latter, whereby Big Show lost because of his own weight.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
In this match, Big Show entered as defending Intercontinental Champion. He faced Cody Rhodes in a Tables match, and this was his first defense after winning the title at WrestleMania one month earlier.
One of the questions that surrounded this match was, ‘how would Cody get Big Show to go through a table?’ Well, they could’ve come up with some possibly unique finish or some kind of dramatic sequence that would’ve helped elevate Rhodes as a superstar that could beat the seven-foot giant.
Instead, WWE went with the booking equivalent of ‘Big Show, you big doofus’. As Show stood on the apron trying to get back into the ring, Cody kicked him, which sent him off his feet. One of those feet caused the table below to break, because Big Show is so…big. The referee saw this and ended the match.
So to summarize, Big Show lost the title he won in his only WrestleMania singles victory due to a scripted accident. That ending was deflating enough to put this match on this list. It made everything Cody had done insignificant, and WWE instead tried to portray Big Show as a big moron that cannot help but break things around him.
Talk about terrible character development.