#4 The Demon Rises

Injured just at the exact moment where he was supposed to become a made man, Finn Balor has found himself in the frigid cold with an unsure future in the WWE. He will stick around no doubt and also be in favour thanks to Triple H, but out of it as well thanks to his size and appeal.
WWE may never get Balor right the way New Japan did, with his exciting 'Real Rock N Rolla' shtick. What WWE have got right so far is the never-ending brilliance of his Demon character. The fact that they've managed not to run this beautiful and popular piece into the ground, deserves kudos.
Now that WWE is trying to rehabilitate him and have been quite careful with how much of the Demon they show. Come WrestleMania, that feel and entrance will provide ten-fold of a reaction from a capacity crowd. What extra will Balor pull off is the question?