#2 Diamond Dallas Page (WWE WrestleMania VI)

Many in the WWE Universe may be unaware that WWE WrestleMania VI featured a surprise cameo from a future WCW World Heavyweight Champion.
During WrestleMania VI, Rhythm & Blues announced their intentions to sing their new hit song “Hunka, Hunka, Honky Love”. To mark this illustrious occasion, The Honkey Tonk Man and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, along with their manager Jimmy Hart, made a spectacular entrance into the Skydome in Toronto, Canada.
The trio were driven to the ring in a pink Cadillac by none other than future WCW legend Diamond Dallas Page. In reality, Page owned the vehicle, hence why he was able to cameo in the role of the driver.
Eagle eyed viewers can clearly see the Master of the Diamond Cutter in the driver's seat as Rhythm & Blues were accompanied by the “Honkettes” in the back seat. DDP made his own WrestleMania in-ring debut 12 years later at WrestleMania X8.
Ironically, Diamond Dallas Page's WrestleMania in-ring debut would also take place at the Skydome in Toronto, Canada. The WrestleMania journey truly came full circle for the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion.