5 wrestlers fans still hope will get pushed in the WWE

He really needs that strong push
He really needs that strong push

#1 Daniel Bryan

Bryan after winning the titles at Wrestlemania 30
Bryan after winning the titles at Wrestlemania 30

Daniel Bryan's name on this list might surprise some fans as he is currently scheduled to face AJ Styles for the WWE Championship at the upcoming Crown Jewel event.

Bryan had one of the best reigns as the WWE Champion. He became one of the best superstars in 2013 and this caused the company to change their original plans for WrestleMania 30. He wrestled two matches in the same event.

First with Triple H, and second with Randy Orton and Batista, in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship. He defeated both superstars and walked out victorious as the WWE Champion.

However, after some months he had to take a neck surgery and was out of action for a few months. Later he returned to the company and started his reign as the Intercontinental Champion but again, due to injuries he had to retire from in-ring action.

This year he was cleared by the company to wrestle in the ring and he then fought Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens in a tag team match at WrestleMania 34 along with Shane McMahon.

He then started his feud with The Miz and at WWE Super Show-Down, won the No. 1 contender match for the WWE Championship. Now he is expected to win the title from Styles to again become a main event superstar.

However, the type of push he is receiving currently is far away from his previous run in the company. However, we can expect that things will only get better for him if he is going to win the WWE Title.

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Edited by Alan John
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