#1 Apollo Crews was brought to WWE by Wale and Mark Henry
Even the Intercontinental Champion made it to WWE thanks to Mark Henry. Apollo Crews may have had a rocky first few years in WWE but he's really come into his own thanks to an excellent feud with MVP and Bobby Lashley on Monday Night RAW and the embracing of a new Nigerian-centred gimmick on SmackDown Live, both of which saw him become a champion in WWE.
But until those recent successes, all we've been able to talk about is Crews' clear and obvious potential as a big star in wrestling. So it's certainly no surprise that the person responsible for bringing such a talented individual to WWE was Mark Henry.
Crews told the story of how Mark Henry, and also rapper Wale, were responsible for bringing him to WWE during an interview on WWE spin-off show The Bump.
“You know it’s funny ’cause actually Wale messaged me on Twitter about 2013 or something like that. He’s a huge fan of wrestling,” he said. “He was like, ‘I just got hip to all your work. I love it. How can we get you in the WWE? At the time, I was just traveling around in England and Japan, just enjoying what I was doing. I was enjoying life, I wasn’t working a real job just living off wrestling. It was pretty cool for me to be able to do that at that level. He gets in contact with Mark Henry who sees my work and he gets me a tryout. A couple of weeks later I get an email from Canyon Ceman saying they want to bring me down to Orlando for a tryout and I was like there’s no way this is real.”
Hopefully from these examples it's clear that Mark Henry has a hell of an eye for a wrestler and that his AEW signing means so much more than just another WWE Hall of Famer jumping ship. It means that the likes of Strowman, Corbin and Apollo will be joining AEW instead of WWE in the future!
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