#1 Enzo Amore

The WWE's resident rock star bad boy was more famous for his mike work and 'gangsta' antics than his in-ring work.
As part of Enzo and Cass, his flaws were somewhat hidden by his tag partner, but on his own, he failed to live up to his own hype. Multiple attempts to shuffle Amore around to different brands and rosters were met with limited success before his release.
Why he was released: Amore faces charges of sexual assault against a female acquaintance. While he has yet to be found guilty, the WWE fired him rather than just suspending his contract. Enzo's poor performance in the ring, arrogant attitude (he was kicked out of the RAW locker room not by an individual wrestler, but by the entire roster) and constant bad behaviour made the rape allegations the last straw.
What he's been up to: Cooling his heels at home. Not only is Amore's no-compete clause preventing him from finding indie work, the unsavoury allegations against him mean that most promotions don't want anything to do with him, in spite of his fame and marketability.
Chances of going back to the WWE: Less than zero. His peers didn't like him, he made management nervous, and his in-ring ability was barely adequate under the best of circumstances. Add in the rape allegations and--even if he is found not guilty--you have the death knell for Amore's WWE career aspirations.
There you have it; Five wrestlers recently released by the WWE, what they've been doing since, and their chances of being re-hired.
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