Nice: Triple H
The Game has spent the vast majority of his career playing the heel. Whether as the leader of Evolution running roughshod over the WWE or as the COO running roughshod over the talent, he instils a sense of villainy in everything he does.
However, the real-life Triple H is known to be quite different from his wrestling persona. Not only is he gracious with fans, speaking with them at great length even when he's on the verge of exhaustion, he always makes an effort to make children feel welcome.
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Once, he even broke kayfabe--a cardinal sin in wrestling--when his verbal, in character outburst caused a young fan at ringside to cry. Triple H knelt down next to the fan and apologized, reassuring the young man that it was all for show. For his compassion and friendliness to the fans, Triple H earns a spot on our nice list.