Friends with Hogan: The Rock
Why he is friends with Hogan: A great deal of mutual respect on a professional level.
There are a lot of parallels between the Immortal Hulk Hogan and the People's champion the Rock.
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For one, both started their careers as heels. That's right, in his initial inception Hogan--who went by Sterling Golden, Terry Boulder, and Terry the Hulk Bollea alternately--started his career as a villain. Mostly this decision was made because Hogan had little training in his early days. A promoter told him he didn't need to know how to wrestle, just to do headlocks and pull tights and be a bad guy. It wasn't until Verne Gagne started pushing Hogan as a face that the fans really got behind him.
Similarly, the Rock was initially a villain. While his Third Generation star Rocky Maivia gimmick was a pure babyface, it didn't work. The fans chanted Rocky Sucks and Die Rock Die, an early precursor to what would later happen with Roman Reigns and John Cena. Unlike those two individuals, the WWE decided turning Rock heel would be for the best. Ironically, it was as a bad guy that Rock would become wildly popular.
Given Hogan's age and contractual status, the match almost never happened but did. Hogan and Rock wound up having tremendous respect for each other, and Hogan made the rare decision to job to the Rock. However, during their match the crowd was solidly behind Hulk Hogan--who was supposed to be the bad guy. Despite the announce team trying to down play the crowd's reaction, Hogan and Rock decided mid-match to switch roles, with Hogan playing the babyface in peril and Rock the cocky and violent heel intent on breaking down the beloved legend.
To this day, Rock still respects Hogan, who he feels trailblazed a path for him in Hollywood.