#4 Yokozuna

The 1990s saw a huge change in the then WWF when they moved onto the "New Generation Era." Following the steroid scandal, Vince McMahon opted to push the younger stars into the spotlight, hoping to avoid any more bad press.
With the likes of Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, and more performers from the Golden Era either leaving or retiring, we saw the rise of guys like Bret and Owen Hart, Lex Luger, Razor Ramon (we'll get to him), Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and Yokozuna.
While the New Generation Era certainly struggled with viewership, it nonetheless gave the fans some incredible match ups and new performers to follow. Yokozuna the giant sumo wrestler was a personal favorite of mine.
Boasting incredible raw power, a great center of gravity, and the ability to withstand an absurd amount of punishment. With his fantastic rivalries with the likes of Bret Hart and Lex Luger, Yokozuna became one of the most recognizable names in WWF history. It's crazy to look back now and realize that he almost went in a different direction, however.
Back in 1992, he and the Headshrinkers were brought in as part of the New Generation. While Fatu and Samu debuted, Gorilla Monsoon mentioned on commentary that the fans would be seeing "another Samoan" in the near future.
With all three men coming from the Anoa'i wrestling dynasty, it was assumed that Rodney Agatupu Anoa'i would be joining the Headshrinkers as a third man.
However, a sudden change in plans saw him instead appear as a Japanese sumo wrestler who'd come to dominate a new sport. It is worth noting that, though he was billed from the "Land of the Rising Sun" he would also, at times, be billed from Polynesia.