#4. Taped ribs mean that a WWE star is actually injured

One of the company's best-known practices is to present injured WWE stars with bandages. The likes of Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman and even Triple H over the years have wrestled matches whilst bandaged when they didn't need to.
Wrestling is visual and having a part of the body taped reminds the WWE Universe that the Superstar in question is injured so that when the opponent targets this part of the body the audience is aware that this is their weakness.
Bandaging ribs does absolutely nothing for a Superstar since broken ribs would hurt more from being restricted in a bandage and there is no reason why internal bleeding would need a bandage. Despite this, the WWE Universe still eat up the fact that a star is injured even though it's not medically accurate.
Bandaged body parts also add to the shock value in the world of wrestling. When a taped wrestler is targeted with a weapon on his injured body part, it helps generate heat on the opponent. Superstars also use this method to take time off from the business as it helps in legitimizing kayfabe injuries.