#2 Bray Wyatt turns his back on his family

We've all been there before.
Have you ever had a friend who made a new friend, and suddenly forgot all about you?
Now just imagine for a moment that you're a deranged cult-leader, and have been trying to force a man to join your cult by constantly beating him to a pulp. He finally acquiesces but is only really playing a long-con in order to destroy your cult from within. All the while, your loyal follower who has been with you since day one, suspects this man of doing this very thing, and constantly points this out to you when things go wrong.
This is the situation Bray Wyatt found himself in in late 2016, early 2017.
What did he do? Who did he choose? Would he side with his loyal subject, Luke Harper? Or would he favour his shiny new toy, Randy Orton?
As it turned out, Bray Wyatt did not stop to consider that beating a man to a pulp on a weekly basis may lead to the said man wanting to take revenge. Even though Daniel Bryan had already used the same ruse as Randy Orton had. Even when the said man had a history of falling out with his cohorts, and was nicknamed The Viper. Y'know; the snake.
Anyway, after yet another spell of bickering between Orton and Harper, it looked as though they would come to blows. Rather than solve this problem in a calm and rational manner, Bray's solution was to punch Harper and force him and Orton to fight the next week. Then, after Harper lost, Bray attacked him, essentially excommunicating him from the Wyatt Family.
Now was Harper perfect? Absolutely not. He was a vile, vicious man. But he had always been loyal to Bray. It isn't easy work being a cult-leader's henchman. But did Harper ever complain? No. He did his job. He kidnapped people. He fought at the behest of his leader. And he never complained.
He deserved a lot of things. But he didn't deserve to lose his family.