#1 Paul Heyman - Chokeslam

The Chokeslam is an iconic move -- a Superstar having the Chokeslam in his arsenal was instantly considered to be a main event player. A bastion of heavyweights like The Undertaker, The Big Show and Kane, the move is literally synonymous for a 300-plus pounder heavy hitter, even though the likes of The Hurricane has used it as his finisher too.
It would be interesting to note that it wasn't any of the super heavyweights who invented the move -- it was not even a wrestler. It was Paul Heyman who came up with the idea of the move in ECW while looking at an effective way of introducing his new heel 911.
911 used the move to terrorise opponents and joined Heyman's heel stable 'The Dangerous Alliance' alongside Sabu and Taz. While he destroyed Doink the Clown with four straight Chokeslams once, his last match in ECW -- having fallen out of favour with Heyman -- was a sub one-minute loss to Spike Dudley, of all people.