#1. The Undertaker vs Sting

Before the masses take to their torches and pitchforks for merely mentioning such a bout, I am very much aware that Sting is officially retired from professional wrestling. I am also aware that the combined age of these two legendary performers is 114 years old, however I am also aware of the following. The Undertaker has recommitted himself to physical fitness and after making an appearance, on the RAW after WrestleMania 35, he looks to be in the best physical condition of his career.
The 60 year old Sting, who also looks to be in ring shape, recently revealed the following to Wrestling Travel,
"I mean everyone knows who it would be [who I'd come out of retirement for].Taker, he's the only guy I'd come out of retirement for now. No one else. We could just never get it together to make it happen. When I started talking to WWE, he was booked with Brock [Lesnar] and then I did the deal with Triple H and he had another feud going on at the time, so it was just one of those things we couldn't make happen....the only person I'm getting back in the ring for is 'Taker"
Sounds like the Stinger has a major itch to scratch and so much so that he recently took to The Apter Chat to reveal what a feud between WCW's most enigmatic performer and WWE's most macabre Superstar may have looked like (via WrestleZone),
"I had so many ideas that developed over a couple of decades based on his character and my character and some of the ideas I had in my head, someday somebody’s gonna do cool stuff like that with characters that are similar and it all has to do with slight of hand and special effects and holograms and oh man, I had some ideas that would have rocked everybody. It would have matched his character and mine. I believe it would have left people with their jaws open and they would have been very entertained. Let’s just say disappearing acts. You remember years ago with the whole Sting thing with all the portals in the arenas? You’d see Sting come out of the portal over there on the north side of the arena. No, there he is on the east. No there’s another one. There were a whole bunch of Stings, you know? This kind of stuff; but, possibly with the real Sting at one point where it’s most definitely me. Let’s just say disappearing acts. That’s all I want to say."
Could we see The Undertaker vs Sting? Sting certainly believes it's possible and that's enough for me.