#2. Paul Orndorff starred in an ad for a Hulk Hogan workout set (and Hogan wasn't in it)
Do me a favor. Take thirty seconds and watch the following Paul Orndorff ad for the Hulkamania Workout Set and let me know if you think something is missing.
If you said "Hulk Hogan" you're either very astute or you read the header to this entry. Or both.
Yes, the Hulkamania Workout Set contained everything a young Hulkamaniac needed to be as ripped as the World Wrestling Federation champion - or like his buddy Paul Orndorff. (Let's just pretend I made a steroid joke here and move on.) It even contained a workout tape apparently narrated by the Hulkster but, considering he couldn't even show up to shill his own product, it could have very well been voiced by Dino Bravo or something.
Hulk Hogan jokes aside, one thing this commercial really highlights is just how charismatic Paul Orndorff could be. I know it sounds like I'm being sarcastic here, but that spot at the end where he was impressed when the kid ripped his own shirt off was actually pretty impressive. It just has to make you think back to the previous entry on the Rambo film and where Mr. Wonderful could have ended up if he actually decided to take that role and ran with it.
Finally, do you think Orndorff might have been a little miffed that he had to star in Hulk's own commercial? That would be like Michael Vick in an ad telling everybody to go buy the Wheaties box with Brett Favre on it. Add that on with that time Hogan was too busy training to take Paul's phone call that one time and no wonder he turned on him.