#4 Former WWE Champion Bob Backlund
Bob Backlund tried his best to make Darren Young great again, but WWE wasn't quite determined to push the former tag champ as a breakaway talent. Then Young got injured, leading to the failure of the gimmick.
During his wrestling career, Backlund was a master transformer. His first world championship reign was a typical babyface and his second as a deranged heel.
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Since his retirement, the Hall of Famer has been a legend associated with the company and has acted as an official ambassador since 2014. Famous moments include his match against Heath Slater and the previously mentioned association with Darren Young.
#3 Former WWE Champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield
A career midcarder and tag team specialist, Bradshaw transformed into the wealthy JBL and won the WWE Championship. He retired in 2009, a month after becoming a Grand Slam champion.
A controversial person behind the scenes, Layfield is infamous for multiple bullying and hazing allegations against him. Layfield has accepted many such claims, terming them locker room pranks.
However, the allegations haven't halted him from being featured as a financial planner on television and as an ambassador of the company. He regularly appears on legends nights as Bradshaw or as a pay-per-view panelist under his JBL gimmick.