#4 Stone Cold Steve Austin cheered over Bret Hart - 1997

Back in 1997, even before the Attitude Era began, rising star Steve Austin and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart faced each other. Bret was one of the biggest stars of the company at that time, and Austin was a newcomer.
While Bret Hart was a natural babyface and Austin a ruthless and self-caring heel, the fans were clearly behind Bret Hart and booing Steve Austin early.
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However, as the rivalry continued, the fans started liking Austin for what he said and did. Austin would screw Hart out of title matches and talk harshly to him, and the fans loved it. Going into the rivalry, the two delivered the best matches of 1997.
The fans got completely behind Austin till their WrestleMania 13 match (not to mention, it was a five-star match) and started booing Hart. Seeing this, the WWE decided a double turn at WrestleMania 13 that changed Austin's career forever. However, the reaction Austin got as a heel was insane.