#4 Whatever that Viking Raiders - Street Profits stuff was
WWE has had some stellar tag teams hit their roster in the past few years. Unfortunately, for some strange reason, the main roster isn't interested in tag team wrestling. Unless it's New Day or The Usos, tag team titles are usually more of an afterthought.
That was especially the case when WWE, for some reason, put their two top tag teams in a friendly feud. Then-WWE RAW Tag Champions, The Street Profits, began competing against The Viking Raiders in a series of one-upmanship. We saw them take part in stuff like basketball games, bowling, ax throwing, and mini-golf.
This lasted for months, and the final tag team title match was delayed when they began fighting Akira Tozawa and his band of ninjas.
It was goofy and downright wacky. Oddly enough, though, the WWE Universe began to look forward to their segments. The Viking Raiders and the Street Profits had some great comedic chemistry. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins played the straight men to Ivar and Erik, who kept trying to bring their "Viking" traditions into everyday life.
At one point, this went cinematic as the Raiders and Profits finally went to war. They brawled around the arena during WWE Backlash 2020, leading to them eventually teaming up to take on the ninjas.
These interaction were surely not for everyone. While some of the fans loved it and others didn't want to be reminded of it. Myself? While some of the skits were good, moments like Ivar summoning a turkey leg with force powers like a Jedi looked childish.
This was just WWE having a little fun during the early months of the pandemic, and we can't really fault them for that. However, if fans had been in the building for all of those segments, especially Backlash, it would've fallen flat. At best they would've been booed for not having the Raiders and Profits in the ring for so many weeks, at worst they would've been dead silent.
#3 WWE presents... RAW Underground
For a little over a month, Shane McMahon took over the third hour of RAW. He'd introduce us to "RAW Underground," where superstars had MMA-based fights in a ring with no ropes or walls.
It took place in a storage room and seemed to be based around building up Dabba Kato. The man who would one day become Commander Azeez was McMahon's prized muscle.
RAW Underground was introduced on August 3rd, 2020, and Kato would go onto have a five-match win streak. However, that all came to a screeching halt when he was demolished by former WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman in September. RAW Underground as a whole came to an end that same month. It wasn't even able to complete a full two months before it was shut down.
RAW Underground was a worked version of the Brawl For All which, for some reason, WWE creative thought would be good. With fans in attendance, would they have even risked it? Probably not.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.