#8 Megastar: Kurt Angle

After joining the WWE in late 1999, Kurt Angle enjoyed arguably the greatest rookie year in WWE history.
In just a matter of months, Angle would claim the European and Intercontinental Championships, and on June 2000, added the King of the Ring crown to his trophy cabinet, defeating Rikishi.
Instantly seen as a main event player, the Olympian would compete in the main event of SummerSlam later that year against The Rock and Triple H, and at No Mercy, would win the WWF title from Brahma Bull, less than a year into his career.
After winning his first of six World titles in WWE, Angle would enjoy an incredible career in the promotion, which would also see Kurt compete for a World Championship in three WrestleManias (19, 20 and 22), before his departure in 2006, though returned eleven years later to take his spot in the WWE Hall of Fame.
With gold around his neck, on his head and his waist, an unmatched athletic ability and a wizard on the mic, Angle was a megastar after becoming the King of the Ring.