#1 Eddie Guerrero’s tribute
Cheat to win, win to cheat. That was the motto of Eddie Guerrero, but he cheated us all and went to the arms of death, leaving us all in sorrow and despair. As a writer, I shouldn’t be breaking the fourth wall, but I won’t care about that now.
Man, I hated Eddie Guerrero. I hated him so much. I hated the fact that he cheated in almost every match that he played. I used to loathe him from the core of my being. And now, I loathe the fact that he isn’t here among us anymore.
Nobody could make cheating look so real and subtle like he did. Nobody could win like he did. Nobody can be another Eddie Guerrero. After his death, when the WWE gathered to give him a tribute, every WWE fan had tears in their eyes.
Heck, even the superstars couldn’t maintain the constraints of kayfabe and broke the fourth wall with their tears.
However, the most heartbreaking of them all was witnessing Chris Benoit weeping behind it all. Benoit and Eddie were best friends and now even Eddie is not here among us. I guess somewhere up there, they are together and happily enjoying their reunion.
And that brings a bit of joy to my heart.