#3 Apollo Crews heading towards a singles push

Apolo Crews is undoubtedly one of the most talented wrestlers on the roster and has the ability to be singles champion. However, due to poor booking decisions, Apolo Crews finds himself in Titus Worldwide and being a mere enhancement talent.
We can now say the talent man might be going in the right direction. WrestlingNews.Co states Apollo might be in line for a huge singles push in the weeks to come. It might be the thing Apollo's fans were waiting for.
WrestlingNews.Co states that Apollo Crews could be coming out the break-up angle for his partnership with Titus O’Neil that started on this week’s Raw. Dana Brooke will serve as Crews’ manager when he goes solo. Are we going to see a heel Apollo winning the Intercontinental title from Seth Rollins? Only time will tell what will happen.